Creating together for your project…

The workshop creation: a range of possibilities

Within the workshop, various trades are at work: from ornamental and glyptic cutting to sculpture, including faceted cutting on stones and gems, as well as precious metal work: jewelry making and setting.

Thus, we are able to create your needs from raw stone to finished jewelry. Some examples of possibilities include:

  • Heraldic intaglios on nicollos, agates, and carnelians
  • Classic intaglios on ornamental stones (lapis lazuli, jaspers, agates, carnelians, malachites,… as well as gemstones)
  • Intaglios under faceted gems: the art of mirror-cutting reflecting its intaglio on its facets
  • Stone and gem sculptures: engraved inlaid rings
  • Jewelry (pendants, rings, earrings,…)

We work with your own designs and ideas, and we can also create each model ourselves by discussing your desires together.

Collaborations between artisans

Interested in a particular style with a gem from our workshop mounted on jewelry by another artisan? It’s possible. We collaborate with various workshops to create pieces collectively.

In particular, we collaborate with the Wit jewelry brand, where we enjoy blending our styles, between gem and metal, stone and organic… Two styles that complement each other.

We can also mention Facetting Gemstones, La Petite Gemme, with whom we also collaborate, both upstream and downstream of our pieces. Whether you are an individual working with a workshop, or you are that workshop, feel free to contact us. We are open to new possibilities.

Training programs

If you’re looking to discover cutting or deepen your sculpture and engraving techniques, or if you want to learn more about the world of gemstones, a wide range of training courses are available at our workshop. From theoretical to practical classes, you can tailor your training according to your needs.

Stéphane has been teaching for years at various institutes and schools, including the Montreuil Jewelry Academy, Unilasalle Beauvais School, Paris Institute of Earth Physics, IFP School, and the National Institute of Gemmology in Paris.

Here are some of the training options he offers:

  • Gemstone Geology
  • Elements of theoretical and practical gemology
  • Ornamental lapidary cutting and sculpture
  • Introduction to faceted cutting in the Jura style
  • Introduction to American faceted cutting (diagram cutting)


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